Time: Ten Minutes
Materials: (used) dollar store gift bag , foam sheets, googly eyes, pipe cleaners and two pom-poms (materials I had laying around from other projects)
Cost: FREE!
Oh boy! My mother-in-law has been laid up for quite some time with a broken femur and had no way (nor money) to get something special for her favorite (and only) grandson. Having already spent my entire (and extremely limited) Easter budget, I had to do a little creative dance. My goal was not so much to make my son happy - he is always a happy kid. No, here I wanted to knock off mom-mom's socks and cheer her up. Trust me, nothing makes this lady happier than to see a smile on her favorite five-year-old!
First I went fishing in the bags of goodies that I had collected on my numerous trips to the Dollar Store, Target's dollar section and 5 Below. After seeing what would not fit in the Easter basket (from the Easter Bunny, of course!), I discovered that a very cute and cuddly bunny friend who would be overkill and make a great donation to mom-mom. Now, how do we make this extra special? What do I have around here ... a gently used gift bag left over from my mom's birthday....pink! Looks like a good canvas.
A quick search on Google images resulted in basic templates for the feet and ears. Print, cut, tape to foam sheets, cut again. Pipe-cleaners for whiskers, googly-eyes and an orange mini pom-pom for the noes. One huge pop-pop on the back makes a nice tail (would have been better in white -- didn't have white....this will do!)
Result? A happy boy and an even happier mom-mom....and a very Happy Easter.
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